Even Lua doesn't really support multithreading, though there are some extensions and libraries that add such support, but even then, they come with some big caveats AFAIK. I also wasn't so much referring to the potential of the users mis-using the API, but rather the inherent challenges associated with providing a thread-safe engine API. Lua does have one in the form of coroutines already. If you simply want concurrent running tasks, then a single-threaded asynchronous model is preferable. I can't really think of many scenarios where using multiple threads would be a requirement, unless you're doing something really computationally heavy (in which case, perhaps you should be making your own game instead anyway.). Objects\InventoryItems\PotofGold\GOLDCoin.In my personal experience with modding, even the most "demanding" mods don't really need to tap into multi-threading.Units\Creeps\Medivh\GenericGlow2_mip1.blp no longer missing.Video options are saved when switching between windowed and fullscreen mode with Alt+Enter.Using Staff of Teleport on a possessed worker followed by casting Scroll of Teleport no longer causes a desync.Elf units set to patrol or follow during the night cycle no longer remain in Shadowmeld.Browsing the game creation list no longer causes a crash.Custom maps appear on the game creation list.The game successfully regains focus to fullscreen after minimizing during download or lobby transitions.WE are working on a fix, but you can use the standalone updater if you encounter this issue. There is a problem patching from in game that may result in an infinite loop.

The patch was deployed on the Public Test Realm on June 7, 2019. Warcraft III patch 1.31.1 is a minor patch.