It allows free cash withdrawal around the world.This card is offered as complimentary service when a customer opens a Citibank Savings account.Along with debit cards this bank also provides offers on Citibank Credit Cards. Offers available for Citibank India debit card holders vary with the card type as mentioned below. 24/7 Non Stop Citibank Customer Support.You Can Also Here For Better Banking Experience Debit cards can also be used for in-store shopping, online shopping, bill payments etc. The cards come in different varieties and exciting offers. A Debit Card is provided to customers opening a Savings account, Suvidha Salary account, and NRI Rupee checking account. Information related to the debit card and the account can be obtained using the Master Card ATM or at any of the Citibank ATM. If you would like us to replace your existing Debit Card, please send us a secure mail using the Mail Box option after you login to your account online.Cash withdrawals are simple using the debit card, avoiding the burden of traveling to the bank, writing cheques and waiting in long lines. If your existing Debit Card is not a Chip Based Card, we will automatically issue you a new Chip and PIN Based Card upon renewal.The bank that operates the ATM may charge you a fee for Cash Withdrawal and other services.All Cash Withdrawals overseas will also be subject to foreign exchange conversion from India Rupees to the Local Currency.The bank that operates the ATM may also impose additional limits for each cash withdrawal.The Maximum Daily Limit mentioned above is an aggregate limit across Cash Withdrawals at ATMs, Point-of-Sale Purchases and Online purchases.You can also increase this limit by calling 24-hour CitiPhone. If you would like to increase this limit, please send us a secure mail using the Mail Box option after you login to your account. If you do not use your Debit Card for your NRE Rupee Checking Account overseas at any ATM, Point of Sale or Online, the default limit is set at the equivalent of $2500 per financial year.

With the Debit Card for your NRE Rupee Checking Account, you can withdraw cash in Indian Rupees at any ATM in India that displays these signs:

You can use your Debit Card for your NRO Rupee Checking Account to access your account, withdraw cash or to pay for purchases at select Mastercard establishments in India or for online purchases.